My name is Katie Ball, Designer, and this is my notepad. It currently has 33 posts in 16 categories which means I’ve written a total of 27841 words. That would take an average reader ( WPM) approximately 139.205 minutes to read.
There are 4 featured posts. They are awesome and you you should tots check those out. My most recent post is “Develop For Chrome Cast” which was published on .
The last commit was on Sunday, 11 Jan 2015 at 12:18 AM UTC.
I am a Bach of Tech graduate, R.M.I.T in Melbourne. I am also a qualified Fitness Instructor certified to train your butt off. I double majored in web programming and digital design during my undergraduate life at Swinburne, and am currently focusing on game development at Roach Haus.

I was born and brought up in Melbourne. I ❤️ it.

Beautiful, practical, meaningful stuff.
I make what I love.
I love what I do.
But over the years, I noticed that somehow, along the way, software designed to help us be creative and communicate, actually made us communicate less.
Tools for the creative space — magically link head, heart, and hand. Tools as simple as pencil and paper. Tools so essential, I really can’t imagine work without them.
the makers,
the creators,
the discoverers,
the original thinkers,
This is the space to create.