How to Write a Great README

As many other have blogged before me, a good README should be simple and succinct, but a great README can save time and encourage developers to look more at your project, especially if it’s for something like command-line parameter parsing...

Organise Gists with GistBox

I can across this article and it’s exactly what I wanted to write. Organise Your Github Gists With GistBox Do you have a good way of organising and storing all your different code snippets? Because I use sublime text 3...

The JavaScript List

Actual JavaScript Engine Performance JavaScript: The Wrrrld’s Most Misunderstood Programming Language (Chinese Czech French German Italian Japanese Korean Portuguese Russian Serbian Spanish Turkish) The World’s Most Misunderstood Programming Language Has Become the World’s Most Popular Programming Language (Chinese Spanish) A...

My Mini GitHub Deployment Workflow with Jekyll

Grunt is always running when I’m writing or designing. It handles a few things, as defined in my Gruntfile. This is my process: - SVGMin to minify my SVG files and remove unnecessary code - SVG2PNG to make PNG copies...

Package Dependencies Done Right

“Best practices” is a term that is often misused and thus can be ambiguous in this context. For such reasons, it is important to make clear the goals behind this particular versioning scheme: Strive to be forwards compatible with node.js...