Why Jekyll?

Well, I guess it’s quite obvious that I really enjoy working with Jekyll — with good reasons — so let me just briefly suggest some of the benefits of using a static site generator in favor of a heavy dynamic,...

This is my Notepad

This is my Notepad. It’s a collection of ramblings and links to some truly awesome reads. Some might find it useful. It’s a Jekyll theme which is very simple, clean and beautiful. This theme is good for any blog. Main...

Actual JavaScript Engine Performance

JavaScript Performance (Smaller is better) Browser Seconds Chrome 10.0.648.205 2.801 Chrome 13.0.754.0 canary 0.543 Firefox 4.0.1 0.956 IE 9.0.8112.16421 64 1.159 IE 10.0.1000.16394 0.562 Opera 11.10 1.106 Safari 5.0.5 (7533.21.10) 0.984 JSMeter: Measuring JavaScript Behavior in the Wild showed that...