I love adding badges to my projects. It’s an easy way to quickly check dependencies are up to date, and build are passing. Others are just to show what services you use on the project, and others just for fun. So what can you use badges for? Check out the list below for some examples.

What kind of meta data can you convey using badges?
  • test build status: build | failing
  • code coverage percentage: coverage | 80%
  • stable release version: version | 1.2.3
  • package manager release: gem | 1.2.3
  • status of third-party dependencies: dependencies | out-of-date
  • static code analysis GPA: code climate | 3.8
  • semver version observance: semver | 2.0.0
  • amount of gittip donations per week: tips | $2/week
Services that give you badges! (using the Shields standard)
Do you Grunt?

Do you use Grunt in a project? If so you should proudly display that in your project README or on your project website? Now you can with the “Built with Grunt” badge!

Built with Grunt Built with Grunt

Using the Badge

Just copy the following Markdown code snippet and paste it right underneath the headline in your project README. You can also put it on your project website homepage or footer.

[![Built with Grunt](https://cdn.gruntjs.com/builtwith.png)](http://gruntjs.com/)

If you need an HTML version, we’ve got you covered.

<a href="http://gruntjs.com/"><img src="https://cdn.gruntjs.com/builtwith.png" alt="Built with Grunt"></a>
